Functional Reactive Programming

a new way to deals with complexity

Lex Huang, June 2018


Here is a simple introduction to Functional Reactive Programming (FRP), we won't go deeper into the mathematical theories behind the paradigm or explain the different implementations or types of it.
Note that FRP fits some problems better than others. User interfaces and networking are two event-based areas where it fits especially well. Not surprisingly, FRP is excellent for web applications. For other situations, other paradigms like actor model would be more suitable.

Let's start with a question

How to enhance progressively from left to right?

Project, meet complexity wall...

Simple things taking too long.

Rewritten from scratch!

And a million dollars later...

It hits the same wall again!

What goes wrong?

The State machines are great


The old school state machine works in the following way:

  1. An input event comes into the system.
  2. The program logic makes decisions based on the input event and the current program state.
  3. The program logic changes the program state.
  4. The program logic may also produce output.

We could say that all programs are fundamentally state machines.


codes written in a traditional state-machine style tends to be unreadable and brittle.

codes become hard to reason about as the program goes bigger.

And a programmer’s main task is to structure clean codes.

Observer-pattern saves the day!

But wait...

six plagues of Observer-pattern
six plagues of Observer-pattern

When State gets messy...



CTRL+ALT+DELETE fixes everything.

If all else fails, RESTART.

Still not work?

Restart the world!

Here comes the functional reactive programming (frp)

A specific method of reactive programming that enforces the rules of functional programming, particularly the property of compositionality.

Conal Elliott is one of the inventors of FRP, this concept was first introduced in his paper Functional Reactive Animation to composing richly interactive, multi-media animations.

Core Pieces:

Cells: Continuous values over time

Streams: Discrete events pushed into the FRP sys.

Declarative combinators that guarantee sensible composition.


                        const num = new Cell<number>(1);
                        const doubled = => n * 2);

                        // <Cell<A>>.lift( b: Cell<B>, (A, B) => C): Cell<C>
                        const added = num.lift( doubled, (n, d) => n + d);

Always has a value


                        const nums = new StreamSink<number>();

                        const doubled: Stream<number> = => n * 2);
                        const evens: Stream<number> = num.filter(n => n % 2 === 0);


Fires at discrete points in time with a value.

I've heard 2 names of different programming paradigms!

FRP is a subset of both functional and reactive programming.

What is reactive programming


A broad term meaning that a program is

  1. event-based,
  2. acts in response to input, and
  3. is viewed as a flow of data, instead of the traditional flow of control.

It doesn’t dictate any specific method of achieving these aims. Reactive programming gives looser coupling between program components, so the code is more modular.

Microsoft’s Reactive Extensions ( Rx) is mostly concerned with chaining event handlers, and it gives you many options for how you do it.

What is functional-programming

A style or paradigm of programming based on functions, in the mathematical sense of the word. It deliberately avoids shared mutable state, so it implies the use of immutable data structures, and it emphasizes Compositionality and Referential transparency

what's the compositionality

The principle of compositionality:

The meaning of an expression is determined by the meanings of its parts and the rules used to combine them.

how does compositionality help

Without compositionality, the consequences of composing program modules are ad hoc.

FRP is compositional because it imposes mathematical rules that force the interaction of program elements to be simple and predictable by using denotational semantics . So we can think in teams of dependency and think declaratively.

what is Referential transparency

Referential transparency is an oft-touted property of (pure) functional languages, which makes it easier to reason about the behavior of programs. I don't think there is any formal definition, but it usually means that an expression always evaluates to the same result in any context. Side effects like (uncontrolled) imperative update break this desirable property. C and ML are languages with constructs that are not referentially transparent.

Too Metaphysica?

So let's be practical

  • You must not perform any I/O.
  • You must not throw any exceptions unless they’re caught and handled within the function.
  • You must not read the value of any external variable if its value can change, but constants are allowed and encouraged.
  • You must not modify any externally visible state.
  • You must not keep any state between invocations of the function.

In short, the function must have no external effects other than through the returned value, and it must not be affected by any external state.

the beauty of purity

Thinking in terms of dependency
Thinking in terms of sequence

Traditionally, software is expressed as a sequence of steps.

The problem with representing dependencies as a sequence comes when you go to change the code.

Thinking in terms of dependency
Thinking in terms of sequence

conceptual diagram
Given a conceptual diagram like the above, we can extract the dependency relationships easily

In FRP, you express dependencies directly, but express it using a directed graph.

So you can just add or remove the dependencies, and the sequence is automatically updated. It’s impossible to make a sequence mistake.

Thinking declaratively

what the program is, not what it does

Thinking declarative

How to cook a lasagna?

  1. Heat oven to 350°F.
  2. Brown meat in large skillet on medium-high heat. Meanwhile, mix 1-1/4 cups mozzarella, ricotta, 1/4 cup Parmesan, parsley and egg until blended.Drain meat;
  3. return to skillet. Stir in pasta sauce. Pour water into empty sauce jar; cover and shake well. Add to skillet; stir until blended.
  4. ...

Thinking declarative

Nope! This is no way to write a cookbook:
it’s an operational definition of lasagna

Thinking declarative

This is how our cookbook would be written:

  1. Lasagna is grated cheese on cheese sauce on flat pasta on cheese sauce on Bolognese on flat pasta on cheese sauce on Bolognese on flat pasta on cheese sauce baked for 45 minutes.
  2. Bolognese is onion and oil fried until golden mixed with ground beef mixed with tomato simmered for 20 minutes.
  3. Cheese sauce is milk and cheese added progressively to roux while frying it until the sauce thickens.
  4. Roux is flour and butter fried briefly
  5. Baked is put in an oven dish in a hot oven.
  6. Fried is put in a pan on high and mixed frequently
  7. Simmered is put in a pan on low and mixed infrequently

Thinking declaratively

Thinking declaratively

Notice a few things:

  • We express dependencies directly. The sequence is derived from them.
  • It’s closer to a conceptual view of the food, so it’s easy to understand.
  • We can compose the parts into new recipes easily.

Thinking declaratively


Wait...Why not just fix listeners?

If you fix the problems with listeners, you’ll invent FRP.

Introducing Sodium

A gentle introduction to the necessary concepts of FRP.

From the Foreword by Heinrich Apfelmus, author of the Reactive-banana FRP library

Life cycle of FRP

  • Stage 1: Initialization

    Typically during program startup, FRP code statements are converted into a directed graph in memory.

  • Stage 2: Running

    For the rest of the program execution you feed in values and turn the crank handle, and the FRP engine produces output.

Operators of the two core data types

Data Type Outputs a Stream Outputs a Cell Outputs a value


class Stream<A>

  • Stream represents a stream of events.

    • Manipulate the whole stream, not individual occurrences.
  • Has a type parameter, e.g.
    new Stream<MouseEvent>()


a value that changes over time

class Cell<A>

Cell is a mutable variable——because it represents the state mutation

What about referential transparency?

In horror stories, demons can never be killed;

they can only be banished.

In a similar way, FRP takes the evil of event handling, divides it into little pieces, and then banishes each piece into an evil-proof box called a stream or a cell.

The never primitive

a stream that never fires

never :: Stream a

In Sodium it doesn’t have the name never. If A stream constructed in the way has no mechanism to cause it to fire, so it’s guaranteed never to fire.

The map primitive

transforming a value

map :: (a -> b) -> Stream a -> Stream b


The merge primitive

merging streams

merge :: Stream a -> Stream a -> Stream a

why do we need it?

Simultaneous events

Two or more stream events that occur in the same transaction


  • This is basically the same idea as the transactions used in databases.
  • FRP processing takes place in a transactional context.
  • Sodium automatically starts a transaction whenever an input value is pushed into a stream or cell.
  • Any state changes that occur as a result of that input are performed within the same transaction.
let's see an example


  • If you click an item, the mouse becomes selected.
  • If an item is selected, and you click elsewhere, the item gets deselected.

But No.3 on the left, a single mouse click will cause two simultaneous events to be generated:

  • Deselecting the triangle
  • Selecting the octagon

You’ll almost certainly want to merge these streams at some point in the program. Because these two events originate in the same mouse click event, they’re simultaneous.

Otherwise, you will get a glitch of the cursor style.


The mechanics of how merge deals with simultaneous events

The orElse primitive

merges two streams and will drop an event in the simultaneous case.

orElse :: s1.merge(s2, (l, r) -> l)

The snapshot primitive

capturing the value of a cell

snapshot :: Stream a -> Cell b -> Stream (a, b)

The snapshot primitive

book Clicking Translate translates the text into mock Latin.

The filter primitive

propagating an event only sometimes

filter::Stream (Maybe a) -> Stream a

an merge+snapshot+filter example

The hold primitive

keeping state in a cell

hold :: a -> Stream a -> Cell a

let's go back to the last example

Looping hold and snapshot to create an accumulator

Conceptual view of accumulating + and - button clicks, with the accumulator circled Conceptual view of accumulating and clicks, with the accumulator circled

Can you see the loop here?


Forward references

The dilemma

If you start by making a stream of deltas of 1 when is clicked and -1 when is clicked. All you have to do is accumulate the sDelta:
Unfortunately, Language that without lazy evaluation won’t let you write this, because you’re defining cValue in terms of itself. cValue depends on sUpdate, and sUpdate depends on value.

Forward references

Value loop—In functional programming, a value defined directly or through other variables in terms of itself.

So how do we do?

A dummy!——CellLoop and the loop operator

The lift primitive

combining cells

lift ::(A -> B -> C) -> Cell A -> Cell B -> Cell C

The lift primitive

Conceptual view of accumulating + and - button clicks, with the accumulator circled Conceptual view of adding two text fields together.

mapping cells

map on cells can be seen as a lift of a single cell.

The sample primitive

getting a cell’s value

sample ::Cell A -> A

This is useful for interacting with non FRP logics.


  • Allows the data flow graph to change dynamically

  • Use frp logic to modify frp logic

The concept of switch: a TV remote control

Modeling a remote control that can switch between TV channels, showing the state before any button is pressed. The “fuzz” channel is selected by default.


switchC :: Cell (Cell A) -> Cell A


switchS :: Cell (Stream A) -> Stream A

switch use case: zombies game

It's time to look say hello to the outside world

Interfacing your FRP code to the rest of your program has two parts:

  1. Push events into streams or cells.
  2. Listen to the events from streams or cells.

Operational primitives

Interfacing FRP code with the rest of your program

  • Sending and listening to streams with StreamSink
  • Sending and listening to cells with CellSink
  • Transaction
  • Operational
    • Getting a stream from a cell with updates and value
    • Spawning new transactional contexts with the split primitive


A subclass of Stream that adds a method called send()

You can register a listener on any Stream with the listen() method.


A subclass of Cell that has send() and listen()


create a transaction explicitly like this:

Always construct the data flow graph within a Transaction

Sodium executes a transaction in two steps:

  1. Process all stream events simultaneously.
  2. Update all cell values atomically.


Multiple send()s in a single transaction


  • Getting a stream from a cell with updates and value
  • Spawning new transactional contexts with the split primitive

Getting a stream from a cell with updates and value


  • updates gives you the discrete updates to a cell.
  • updates is effectively the inverse of hold.


  • value differs from updates by firing once with the cell’s current value in the transaction where it was invoked.

Spawning new transactional contexts with the split primitive

the use case:

Packets come into the system,each containing a list of commands.

Let’s split the packets into individual commands.

Spawning new transactional contexts with the split primitive

Spawning new transactional contexts with the split primitive

we can also nested the split

If a tree falls...

"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Not in the FRP world!

Now you are ready to go.

are you?


what are we doing this for?


FRP's restriction:

  • You’re not allowed to modify state directly.
  • Static typing

What you’re getting in return?

  • simple to reason about
  • closer to the problem


battle of paradiagms


with drag&drop example

advance usages

continuous time

given the same computational capacities, the animation will always take the same length of time to finish, despite of setting of FPS.

Rasterizing time

The mechanism of continuous time is to update a cell representing time before passing external events into the FRP system.

Externally, you’re saying, “Please sample the model at time t,” but within the model, you can think of time as varying continuously.

And only few codes after...

Write your own primitives

such as

modular programming

example: petrol pump

petrol pump


  1. Three nozzles for three fuels.
  2. Three price displays.
  3. Displays for dollars paid and liters of petrol delivered.
  4. A keypad and display for a preset dollar amount.
  5. A beeper.

petrol pump


  1. Fuel will start flow-ing as soon as the nozzle is lifted.
  2. When hanging up the nozzle, the fuel flow stops, and a message is sent to a dialog box that pops up.

petrol pump


  1. You can enter a preset value on the keypad. When you reach 90% of the preset dollar value, the fuel flow slows down, and when you reach it, the fuel flow stops.
  2. You can still change the preset value unless the fuel flow slowing down.
  3. When entering a preset value, the beeper beeps.

petrol pump


  1. Play different sounds for different fuel flowing speed.
  2. the preset value should be greater than 0.

petrol pump

petrol pump

The interface between the pump logic and the (simulated) outside world

petrol pump


  1. gather the inputs of the application
  2. gather the outputs of the application
  3. define the lifecycle of the fill
  4. handle the keypad logic
  5. get the preset
  6. get the notify points of the sale
  7. how to get the delivered liters
  8. how to get the delivered dollars

Last thing, don't forget to put them together, make an frp directed graph.

petrol pump

module example: keypad logic

Now we are done

one last thing...

Actually, 3 things...

why not rxjs?

What's not FRP

I’m glad you’re starting by asking about a specification rather than implementation first. There are a lot of ideas floating around about what FRP is. For me it’s always been two things: (a) denotative and (b) temporally continuous. Many folks drop both of these properties and identify FRP with various implementation notions, all of which are beside the point in my perspective.

By “denotative,” I mean founded on a precise, simple, implementation-independent, compositional semantics that exactly specifies the meaning of each type and building block. The compositional nature of the semantics then determines the meaning of all type-correct combinations of the building blocks

A true FRP system has to be specified using denotational semantics. FRP controls what you do more tightly and gives you strong guarantees in return.

Any bad parts? Yes

  • The old FRP space leaks, because it try to remember every thing in the past.

  • It can still be possible in Sodium when you change the scence graph not carefully enough.

But if you forget the past, you can still make your computer happy: Practical Principled FRP.

Other frp libs for javascriper(ish)

  • Bacon.js
  • reflex (by using GHCJS)
  • ELM V1.0 (Now the writter abandone the FRP)


FRP can be viewed from different angles:

  • It’s a replacement for the widely used observer pattern
  • It’s a composable, modular way to code event-driven logic.
  • The program is expressed as a reaction to its inputs, or as a flow of data
  • It brings order to the management of program state.
  • It’s normally implemented as a lightweight software library in a standard programming language.
  • It can be seen as a complete embedded language for stateful logic.

The benefits of FRP

  • Declarative
  • referential transparent
  • immutable
  • side-effects free
  • composition

About sodium:



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